Live Worship

Reach and Missions

WLC supports missionaries in the field and short-term mission experiences where you can serve nationally or internationally.

We believe our faith comes to life when we are touched by God’s grace while worshiping, growing, serving, and reaching. Over the years, short-term missions have been a part of the DNA of our congregation, and we have been blessed to see some of our short-term participants called to full-time mission work.

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  • 0Lifetime Donations
  • 0Countries Impacted

What Reach is all About

Prepare and Equip

Not sure what it looks like to Reach out to others? WLC offers a variety of small group opportunities, workshops and training sessions to prepare and equip you to do just that. These include “Love Where You Live” and “Joining Jesus on His Mission”. You’ll realize that you have the opportunity to influence others right where you live; you are reaching out with Jesus’ love across the table, the hall, the street, the city, the world.

Go & Tell

During your “prepare & equip” process you’ll see that simply sharing your story – what God has done in your life and the difference He makes – can change the lives of others.

WLC offers a number of Reach opportunities to serve others, serve with others, and listen. Here are some you can consider:

  • Feed My Starving Children: packing meals to feed children who are in need.
  • World Vision: Run/walk for Clean Water, plus Child Sponsorships.
  • Porchlight: Welcoming/inviting new residents in our community with the love & message of Jesus.
  • Valley Outreach: Helping and empowering those in need of food, clothing, emergency financial assistance, and other support with dignity, while offering them encouragement and hope.
  • Sheridan Story: Filling backpacks of food for local kids in need to take home, and praying for them.
  • SALT/Arrive Ministries: Teaching ESL; helping a refugee family get settled in in US.
  • Prison Ministry: Loving, listening, building relationships, leading bible study and prayer.

Interested in any of these opportunities? Click the button below:

Go & Tell Opportunities

 Sent Missionaries

Grant & Danielle Hoel
Grant and Danielle have served as campus missionaries to the University of Minnesota-Duluth since 2009 with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries. They are committed to connect students to Jesus through communities of prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship, and mission to transform the university, the marketplace, and the world.

Supported Missionaries

Tim & Lisa Beckendorf
The Beckendorfs serve in Botswana with Lutheran Bible Translators.

Dario & Juanita Guerrero
The Guerreros are serving with the New Tribes Mission training center in Missouri.

Don & Pam Leonard
The Leonards work with Project Video as Director of Asian Development creating gospel media centers throughout Asia.

Roth Family
The Roths are missionaries to the Cora Indians in a remote part of Mexico in connection with Wycliffe Bible Translators.

Missionaries Map (Regions)

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Suspendisse potenti. Proin ut eros interdum, tincidunt eros eget, malesuada dolor. Ut sit amet purus viverra, convallis velit et, varius ligula. Mauris lacinia nec ipsum sed mollis. Proin congue eleifend porttitor. Nam eget semper felis. Fusce vestibulum erat at libero mollis, semper tincidunt lorem fringilla. Nunc maximus eget turpis vitae malesuada. Duis varius, arcu vel commodo pharetra, massa ipsum convallis sem, nec blandit felis odio a mi. Pellentesque vel nibh a leo posuere pharetra id porta elit. Integer nunc tellus, tincidunt at tortor vitae, pellentesque hendrerit est. Aenean eu quam quis nulla semper mattis. Nulla tempus sit amet neque sit amet tincidunt. Nulla purus elit, consequat in quam eu, venenatis aliquam nisl. Aliquam ornare interdum fermentum. Aliquam tristique odio at leo consectetur placerat.

Ut iaculis, metus ut vulputate ullamcorper, nisi justo suscipit neque, pharetra molestie augue orci et tortor. Vivamus eu arcu non libero sollicitudin sagittis. Pellentesque ligula augue, pharetra nec risus ac, facilisis vehicula elit. Quisque eget ex venenatis, pharetra felis quis, maximus purus. Maecenas blandit, quam eu auctor laoreet, mi neque hendrerit erat, sed fermentum orci ex at turpis. Cras eu pretium justo. Suspendisse vel pulvinar enim.