Live Worship

Encounter with the Insider: Nicodemus (VCC)

Does living a good and moral life give offer me hope of eternal life?  Even though Nicodemus is part of the religious elite and seems to have it all together, he wonders if his His moral and social effort will lead to salvation.  In this encounter Jesus is helping us to see that salvation from sin comes from His grace alone.

Spend 30 minutes in quiet time and make a 2 column list.  In the first column write down a list of all the different sins you have committed over the past year.  In the other column write down a list of all the good things you have done over this past year.  Once you are finished write the word Grace over the column of sins and write the words Grateful Response over the good things list.

Speaker: Pastor Tom Pfotenhauer
March 23, 2014

John 3:1-17

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