Live Worship

Gossiping the Gospel (VC1)

Usually when we think about “gossiping,” we have negative connotations. But have you ever considered gossip that is positive and uplifting? Sharing news that lifts a person up rather than slandering them? Gossiping has a way of compelling us to speak about what we have come to know . . . we can’t help but tell someone about the new house we put an offer on, or the new job we have accepted, or the story of the incredible marriage proposal, or our child’s latest accomplishment. What if we “gossiped the good news of the Gospel” like we gossip and share so enthusiastically about the good news in our own lives? Can we truly be like those first disciples in the Book of Acts who could not help but be compelled to speak about the Good News of Jesus? If the news that they carried on their lips is the same news that Jesus sends us out to proclaim, why does it seem so hard for many of us to gossip this good news? Who is the one person that you need to gossip the Good News of Jesus to?

Speaker: Pastor Tom Pfotenhauer
December 11, 2016

Acts 4:5-22

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