Live Worship

Holiness (VC)

A central message of Leviticus is that the LORD is holy and that He requires His people to be holy (which was His original design for all creation) in order to be in relationship with Him. Sin keeps humanity from being in the LORD’s presence. It is actually dangerous for sinful people to be in the midst of the LORD’s holy presence. How can this be? Think of it like this: The LORD’s presence is like the sun. The sun is pure, powerful, and full of goodness; and when something mortal and corruptible gets close to such pure power, it is destroyed. And so the word holiness is used in the Book of Leviticus to describe the LORD’s pure and powerful presence; which like the sun, is both good and dangerous. So one of the points of Leviticus is to show how sinful Israelites can live near the LORD’s goodness without being destroyed. The way in which Israel lived in His presence in the wilderness was through the tabernacle system and the laws the LORD gave to their community. Ultimately, through Jesus’ sacrifice, sin is atoned for. We now, by faith, live in the confidence that Jesus’ blood sacrifice allows us to dwell together with God.

Spend some time talking to another disciple about Jesus’ sacrificial death and His resurrection. Consider together, what that means for your lives now.

Speaker: Pastor Drew Bayless
June 12, 2016

Exodus 40:34-38

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