How Did We Get Here? Pt 2 (LR)
Wrapping up his first speech, Moses teaches Israel to fear horrifying power of The Lord, their God. He also warns them to not be swayed away by idolatrous, foreign desires. We are still faced by idolatrous temptations today, but Christ has given us a community of disciples to help us remain humbly and obediently on the path of faithfulness.
Unifying Phrase: Vulnerable, but Secure
- During their wanderings, Yahweh dwindled away the warriors among Israel (Deut. 2:14).
- Yahweh displayed His power by protecting Israel through obliterating earthly kings and their idolatrous nations.
- Moses strongly warns Israel to remain faithful to Yahweh, lest the same happens to them.
- Jesus gives us a community of disciples to hold us accountable in following Jesus.
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