Israel's Constitutional Law (LR)
As he begins his second speech, Moses reminds Israel of their covenantal or “constitutional” law. The Lord promises to lavishly give His love to anyone who loves Him and obeys His commandments. Yet, it is humanly impossible to obey all the Commandments. In his love, Jesus comes to simplify and satisfy the commandments, giving us a picture of what it means to follow God’s law.
Unifying Phrase: The Bar is Still Set High
- YHWH is a jealous God, who has no tolerance for idolatry.
- Jesus simplified the commandments, boiling them down to two things: love God and love others.
- Even with the simplification, it is impossible to keep all of God’s law. It is impossible to fully keep all The Commandments.
- In his love Jesus comes to satisfy God’s commands.
- Following God’s law means seeing not only what God is ‘against’, but also what he’s ‘for’ in our lives.
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