Rest: Discovering Real and Lasting Rest in Jesus (LR)
In Hebrews 4 we are invited to find true rest by following Jesus. The really great thing is that this is more than just a good night’s sleep or a vacation from work; this is an invitation to find lasting rest, even when we are physically exhausted. As we learn to rest in Jesus our burdens are taken, our souls are freed and we can discover what real rest looks like.
Unifying Phrase: Real rest is found in following Jesus.
- We often run to the things of this world as we look for rest and we miss the invitation of Jesus.
- Our culture lifts up busyness as a value.
- God’s invitation to rest is available to all people through Jesus and the best part is He wants us to have it, which is why He sent the invitation a second time.
- Jesus personally invites each of us to find our rest in Him.
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