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The Belt and Body Armor (OH)

The Apostle Paul makes one thing abundantly clear, as followers of Jesus we are engaged in a battle against Satan and his minions, but I wonder do we really believe this?  Could it be that the everyday battles we experience in our relationships, communities and world are the result of a spiritual battle that is raging all around us?  If this is true how can we Armor Up! for the battles that lie ahead?  It starts with a belt...

A spiritual attack is anything that moves our focus away from Jesus.

  • What is spiritual warfare?
    1. We must never underestimate the power of the enemy we face. In verse 12 we are introduced to the real enemy; “Evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world” - these are demonic forces who Jesus defeated on the cross, but who still exercise limited authority against the purposes of Jesus. “Against mighty powers in this dark world.” - these are the false gods worshiped as those seeking control over the world.  “Against evil spirits in the heavenly realms.” - the belief in astrology where the heavenly bodies housed demons who then controlled every aspect of human lives..  Pagans were resigned to an unchangeable destiny, but disciples of Jesus are not resigned.
    2. Helpful Scripture: 1 Peter 5:6-9
  • Three Truths about Spiritual warfare:
    1. Expect it! (Wearing the armor does not exclude you from the battle, it prepares you for it.) - 1 Peter 4:12
    2. We can be prepared! - 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
    3. Jesus puts the armor on us! - Galatians 3:26-27
  • For a very practical example of how this works, Screwtape letters...
  • The full armor of God starts with a surprising piece, the belt of truth (see history around belt below).
  • The belt encompassed the waist and provided a place for the soldier's sword. Our sword—the sword of the Spirit—likewise needs a sheath. Truth is vital because, like a Roman soldier's belt, it allows us to carry the sword of the Spirit and use it effectively. What is truth and why is it so important for a disciple of Jesus (2 Timothy 3:10-17)
  • The second piece is body armor or the breastplate (see history around body armor below).
  • Without righteousness, we leave ourselves open to eternal death. With righteousness—just as with a breastplate—the otherwise fatal attacks of our enemy are thwarted. Emphasize how the righteousness of Jesus protects us! (2 Corinthians 5:21)
  • Prayer is what helps to bind the entirety of the armor together, verse 18
Speaker: Vicar Dean Dunavan
November 4, 2018

Ephesians 6:10-18

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