Week 2: Freedom
1. Your heart will follow what you value the most.
- What things do you value the most? What things would your family and friends say you value most
- Read Matthew 6:19-21. What are the heavenly treasures Jesus would have us store up?
- Why does He warn so strongly against storing up earthly treasure?
2. Freedom isn’t the complete lack of rules, freedom is choosing what you allow to rule you.
- What dictates your choices, your decisions, and where you spend your money?
- Read Matthew 6:24-25 and 31-33. Jesus gives several examples of things that can rule us. What are they?
- What does Jesus call us to allow to rule in our hearts and minds? What promise does He attach to this call?
3. Generous giving is a powerful expression of freedom.
- Reflect on the statement above. Agree or disagree?
- Read Luke 19:6-10. What motivated Zacchaeus (a wealthy tax collector) to give away and pay back so much of his money?
- What would stewardship, generosity, and giving that express the freedom we have in Jesus look like?
- Does your giving adequately express that freedom?
Wrap Up
Discuss this statement: “Generosity helps free us from the dangers
of money.” (MacDonald, Johnson, Generosity © 2013, p. 46)
Lord Jesus, let my life be one of grateful response to the freedom
You won for me through Your life, death, and resurrection. Unleash
Your power in me, in my relationships, in our communities, and in
Your world. Amen.
- Do some heart diagnostic work. Do your life and choices line up with what you claim you value most?
- Keeping Matthew 6:33 in mind, make a list of those things that you value most.
- List the steps you will take to align your choices and actions with what you’ve listed.
Sermon Notes
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