Live Worship

What is My Legacy? (OH)

We’ve all wanted a do over at some point and time.  Our lives get busy.  We wish we would have made different decisions.  We just want to start over.  But at Easter we get to celebrate that Jesus came not to give us a do-over, but a new life in Him.  The resurrection of Jesus forms the purpose and direction of our lives.  As the two Mary’s were told the truth of Jesus resurrection they were sent to testify.  Easter is a time for us to hear that testimony: that Jesus has come to give us a new life: a life of truth, a simplified life.  What would it look like if we embraced that testimony?  If we decluttered our lives, eradicating the stuff that leaves our spirit drained?  If we stopped doing things that didn’t matter and started living the things that do?

  1. There are 7 surefire paths for chasing after the wind  (As you go through these 7 there are a lot of great Ecclesiastes verses that illustrate each area that I would encourage you to use)
  2. We work much of our life building something significant just to have to turn it over to someone else who may run it into the ground
  3. What is the legacy I am leaving behind for those who come behind me? We get one shot at this life, choose a purposeful, God-first life and you will reap rewards for today and for eternity.
Speaker: Vicar Dean Dunavan
May 28, 2017

Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

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